About Scott Cole

Hi, I’m Scott, owner and developer of this website, Scott’s Exercise RX.

How did I arrive at this point?

In May 2023, I celebrated my 57th birthday.

As a kid, I always played some sort of sport… baseball, swimming, golf, skiing were my primary activities.

I excelled enough at golf to earn a golf scholarship to The College of William and Mary.

Like many people, once out of high school, I started to add weight.  In high school, it was virtually impossible for me to gain weight since I was a competitive swimmer.

But, that changed in college since I was not interested in swimming competitively there, nor would I have had the time, given my golf scholarship.

After entering college at about 155 pounds, I exited at about 170.  Still pretty slim for a 6 footer, but all the extra weight went straight to my stomach.

Within a year out of college, I had added another ten pounds.

Another friend of mine was going through the same thing, so we had a little contest… who could lose the most weight in 60 days.

I dropped 15 pounds by eating nothing and running on a treadmill every day.  He gained a pound by doing nothing.

I continued to gain weight and become ever so soft.  I lifted some weights, did some jogging, but really didn’t stick to any type of program.

In 2000, I started training at a kung fu school.  I usually went to class twice per week, and we would test for our next belt about every six months.

At the second of these tests, I watched a group of senior students get wiped out by the physical demands.

That prompted me to train a little more, mainly through jogging.  Then I picked up a popular training program and that helped me get into better shape.

The problem was, I never changed my diet.  I’ll get back to that.

Fast forward a few years and I stopped training at the kung fu school, and I had to give up my garage gym equipment.

A couple years later I did pick up a pair of adjustable dumbbells so I could at least do something.

Puerto Rico 2017

The weight started to come back though.

Fortunately, in 2020, my second wife and I purchased a small home here in Rockville, Maryland with a small garage.  I immediately ordered my gym equipment to get back to work.

The first day I put my power rack together, I jumped in, through 135 pounds on the Olympic bar and thought I would pump out some reps.

I managed to do four reps.

What a shock, as that used to be my warm up weight.

That motivated me to train, but I wasn’t training right.

I became a virtual guinea pig, experimenting with all types of workouts and workout plans.

Later in 2021, I picked up a copy of The Barbell Prescription, written by Jonathon Sullivan and Andy Baker.

This was literally the first “aha” moment I’ve experienced in my fitness lifetime.

The Barbell Prescription describes the issues people over 40 face in their lifetimes, and then provides a program of barbell training to deal with these issues.

With that said, it is presented from one viewpoint on the best way to move forward for people over 40 (or anyone else struggling with their health and fitness).

From there, I continued to do more research, and I considered all of the other training I had done over the years, particularly my swimming and martial arts training.

The end result is Scott’s Exercise RX.

57th Birthday May 2023

While I consider myself to still be a work in progress, I am quite happy with the progress I’ve made in just the last year.  That’s me on the left on my 57th birthday in May 2023.

You can learn more about my views on improving your health and fitness by heading over to the Start Here page.

Ultimately, I’ve concluded that everyone is different, and needs their own Exercise Prescription, so my focus is on custom fitness consulting.

However, I do believe it is important for people to have a “blueprint” they can follow.  If you fill out the form below, I will send you a copy.

Thanks for stopping by!

Get access to the first month of Barbells and Kung Fu

Sign up for a free month to my Barbells and Kung Fu training.  There is no obligation.