Your Exercise Prescription…

…Everyone is different, and needs their own exercise prescription

Custom Fitness Plan

After we have a discussion about your goals and life situation, I develop a personalized fitness plan that is designed for a lifetime.

This isn’t one of those 90 day plans to get you jacked by telling you to lift weights like a pro bodybuilder, run 5 miles a day, and eat no carbs.

That’s simply not sustainable in the long run.

With that said, you WILL get noticeable results in a few months and the plan provides you with future steps to take once you reach near term goals.

The plan provides you with specific training routines for building strength, muscle, cardiovascular endurance, and mobility.  You’ll be provided with a general diet plan as well, based upon what YOU like to eat.

Your investment in a Custom Fitness Plan is $497.  The plan will be delivered electronically about five days after our consultation.

To get started, click on the Paypal Button to the right, and I will be in contact within 24 hours (usually far less if I am not on vacation).

4 best exercises for building strength

6 Month Coaching Plan

The 6 Month Coaching Plan includes the custom fitness plan described above, along with six months of email support and monthly coaching calls to keep you on track with your plan.

This plan also includes any modifications to the original plan as deemed necessary.

Your investment in the 6 Month Coaching Plan is $197 per month.  You can renew as needed.  To get started, just click on the Paypal Button to the right.

female weight loss workout plan for beginners