protein needed to build muscleNo matter what category you fall into, you’ll need to start paying closer attention to your macros… Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat.

Protein is necessary for building muscle.  The best sources of protein are lean beef, chicken, salmon, tuna, eggs, etc.  Secondary sources include nuts and a variety of beans.

Many people will supplement their protein intake with protein shakes.  Vegans will also likely need to supplement with plant based protein shakes.

Carbs are necessary to provide you with the energy to complete your workouts.  The best carbs for providing this energy are starches such as sweet potatoes and rice, staples among bodybuilders and strongman athletes.

Fats are a key source of energy for the body at rest and during exercise.  Fat is also necessary to absorb certain vitamins and certain unsaturated fats can help to lower the LDL cholesterol in your blood.  Fats found in your animal proteins, nuts and olive oil are the best sources of the right kinds of fats.

The amount of each of these macros that you should consume depends upon your current body type and condition.


In order to build muscle and increase strength, you need to consume a significant amount of protein.

In general, it is recommended that you consume about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Therefore, if you weigh 150 pounds, you’ll want to consume about 150 grams of protein.

Three ounces of top sirloin steak contains about 23 grams of protein while three ounces of chicken breast contains about 27 grams.

A typical serving of 6 to 8 ounces of each will provide you with upwards of 50 grams of protein.

If eggs are a part of your normal diet, and you are a carnivore, you should find it pretty easy to get to the 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight level.  I say this because eggs are the most common type of protein consumed for breakfast, at least here in the U.S.

If you are not a carnivore, this is going to be a more difficult task.  And, if you are like me, and eggs are not a part of your diet, it may be difficult to consume enough meat.  This is where protein shakes can fill the gaps.

Pay attention to these shakes though.  You don’t want to consume a massive amount of calories with your protein shakes.

A good rule of thumb is to get at least 1.5 grams of protein for every 10 calories in your protein shake.


Diet macrosIf you are underweight, you’ll also want to consume a significant amount of carbs, probably at least the same amount of carbs as protein.

Starchy carbs such as potatoes, rice, pasta and fruits such as apples and oranges have the most calories.

You’ll definitely want to fuel up on these types of carbs on your training days, but you have to be careful not to overdo it, as these are heavy source of calories.

Vegetables round out the typical sources of carbs, and are the best sources of many of the essential vitamins such as vitamin C and K.

However, these are lower in calories and will not provide you with enough energy if eaten as your only carb source on training days.


As mentioned, dietary fat is necessary for several reasons, but since carbs are burned first as fuel for your training, consumption of too much fat will result in unwanted fat gains.

In general, your fat intake should be no more than about 0.5 grams per pound of bodyweight on average.

You also want to stick with healthier fat sources, such as olive oil, seeds and nuts.  Use butter and other cooking oils sparingly, if at all, and in regard to meat proteins, focus on leaner cuts of beef and pork, and less fatty poultry.

Final Thoughts

The amount of each of these macros you consume as a percentage of your daily calories is dependent upon your fitness goals.

In general, if you are trying to lose weight, you need to consume higher amounts of protein and fat, and fewer carbs.  If you are trying to build muscle, you will want to consume more protein and carbs, and consume just a small amount of fat.

Again, however, these are just general guidelines.  Everyone is different, and that is why nothing is really set in stone.

You’ll probably have to experiment a bit until you get your body to react the way you want.